Love your work. Listened to you on Meidas Touch yesterday too and think "Free America" apparel would be great!
Our side has to work on messaging. I attended a seminar in February around messaging. And one thing they talked about that I think is powerful is using language like Raising Revenue. We shouldn't be cutting government programs. We haven't increased the government workforce in ages while our population has increased.
I also heard Gov. Moore on Meidas yesterday and can't say I valued his language as it mimicked republican talking points around tax cuts etc. Dems should be talking about raising revenue.
Dems need to be more aggressive and present a message that says what we could have instead.
This document is one my daughter and I created around the reframing messaging we need to start using.
As the Princeton Dean said in a sermon a few weeks ago: what is the cost of HATE? Think about it - all the negativity, the crimes, the treasonous decisions caused by hatred for anonymous others. What cost are you willing to pay?
And yet here we are. 10s of millions did not vote. So many people are not quite clear on the concept of government thanks to decades of GOP undermining. We are in a revolutionary moment as Sen Chris Murphy said. Today I gathered with 10 others to send postcards to Wisconsin for their SC election. E-loon is spending 7 million against Susan Crawford. We have to save ourselves. The billionaires are not lining up to save democracy just yet.
Billionaires Tax! But Trump has neutered Marco Rubio, and invested unuseful greediots with JD in his cabinet and second chair, thus insulating himself from 25th Amendment. Elon's money has scared the spineless Benedict Arnolds in the Congress and cerebral inadequacy has occupied once decent least practical folk in the heartland (Puppy Killing Noem excepted). Pray GOD not be be mocked and Jeffus and Graham, and the unholies carry Trump's train behind him all the way.
Agreed. Spending all your time always worrying about whether things are working is a waste of your time. Trust me, I've lived through it. Change needs to happen. So take the time to make it happen, and then let's get on with our lives. We're only here for a short time. The only people who want perpetual change don't actually know what they want, and are too lazy / arrogant / greedy to think it through.
Love your work. Listened to you on Meidas Touch yesterday too and think "Free America" apparel would be great!
Our side has to work on messaging. I attended a seminar in February around messaging. And one thing they talked about that I think is powerful is using language like Raising Revenue. We shouldn't be cutting government programs. We haven't increased the government workforce in ages while our population has increased.
I also heard Gov. Moore on Meidas yesterday and can't say I valued his language as it mimicked republican talking points around tax cuts etc. Dems should be talking about raising revenue.
Dems need to be more aggressive and present a message that says what we could have instead.
This document is one my daughter and I created around the reframing messaging we need to start using.
I'm now off to a local protest and will continue to talk to people as you talked about yesterday in your podcast with Meidas Touch.
He hit the nail!
As the Princeton Dean said in a sermon a few weeks ago: what is the cost of HATE? Think about it - all the negativity, the crimes, the treasonous decisions caused by hatred for anonymous others. What cost are you willing to pay?
And yet here we are. 10s of millions did not vote. So many people are not quite clear on the concept of government thanks to decades of GOP undermining. We are in a revolutionary moment as Sen Chris Murphy said. Today I gathered with 10 others to send postcards to Wisconsin for their SC election. E-loon is spending 7 million against Susan Crawford. We have to save ourselves. The billionaires are not lining up to save democracy just yet.
What Is Psychological Voter Suppression? | Psychology Today
So true. Oy.♥️. Yes. ‘Free America’ and I feel…’ In the know’ thanks to you and The Ink.
And here we are🥹🥹🥹
Exactly right. Unfortunately voters want change vs status quo. Trump is change, dems are defending the status quo.
WSJ 10/3//24: "The Next President Inherits a Remarkable Economy” then “the envy of the world”. Now Trump & Musk trash the economy & betray allies while Russia cheers the kleptocratic corruption & self dealing. #VladsPoodle
Billionaires Tax! But Trump has neutered Marco Rubio, and invested unuseful greediots with JD in his cabinet and second chair, thus insulating himself from 25th Amendment. Elon's money has scared the spineless Benedict Arnolds in the Congress and cerebral inadequacy has occupied once decent least practical folk in the heartland (Puppy Killing Noem excepted). Pray GOD not be be mocked and Jeffus and Graham, and the unholies carry Trump's train behind him all the way.
Thank you Anand this is from 2022 Timothy Snyder On Tyranny RULE #2. Defend Institutions
Agreed. Spending all your time always worrying about whether things are working is a waste of your time. Trust me, I've lived through it. Change needs to happen. So take the time to make it happen, and then let's get on with our lives. We're only here for a short time. The only people who want perpetual change don't actually know what they want, and are too lazy / arrogant / greedy to think it through.
If you haven't read Jonathan Rauch's piece in the Atlantic, I highly recommend it. (There's a paywall, unfortunately.)
"Corruption is Patrimonialism's Achilles' heel." Corruption will get people's attention.