Thank you for articulating the shock of seeing the good angels of America replaced by evil: a cold calculating devil just wanting to extract more money out of anyone. I am not representative of that America, and am still committed to the best of the American spirit: the freedom, the generosity, the aspirational side of our glorious experiment. Make America great again, what garbage.

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What an elegant, insightful essay. truly wonderful to read Thank you. Love The Ink.

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Me toooooo!

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Anand, perfect. Thank you. It’s been a rough couple of days. I agree that our cumulative acts can make a change. The Power of The Powerless by Vaclav Havel. All of our actions yield change. I think of individual actions as the creation of a tremolo. Making a great vibration across our land and reaching our Allies. Now we need this vibration to break down the walls they are building around us as they try to cage us in. Glad to be here with you and all your readers

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Yes, Havel's word resonate ever more clearly now. Some newer editions of 'The Power of the Powerless' have a wonderful introduction by Timothy Snyder.

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I’ve been asking people to stop saying, “This is not who we are.” As a history teacher it’s obvious to me that we contain multitudes. That we are explorers and genocidal maniacs, slavers and freedom fighters… our story has always been complex and fraught with contradiction. I guess, and here is where your essay brought me to tears, I hoped I could cleave an identity tied inextricably to the right side of history. That some of us, call us sober idealists, could keep doing the spade work to deliver on the aspiration of our better selves. Now I’m just another American in the eyes of the world. My identity linked to a man I utterly abhor, whose acts I view with disdain.

I’ve been thinking of wartime Germans a lot lately. Once during a summer studying the Holocaust I met an elderly woman who came to age during Hitler’s reign of terror. As she aged to adulthood, and understood what had happened during the mass psychosis in her nation, she became suicidal and attempted to take her life on numerous occasions; so deep was her shame. I think of her and the German adults who hated Hitler, who resisted, but were helplessly caught up in his authoritarian quest for power. But it mattered not to the rest of the world…a German was a German and they were our enemies. Yet the liberation of Europe by the Allies was their liberation too. Many Germans wept with joy when Hitler killed himself and his lieutenants were arrested for war crimes.

Americans of conscience must make every sacrifice and take every opportunity to resist…to fight the dark tide and to earn back the respect of good people in the world. We cannot accept a fate determined by Donald Trump nor his supporters. They must not prevail. If it means fighting other Americans to regain the moral high ground it’s what must happen.

My heart to yours Anand and readers of The Ink.

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This is so important and what I and my friends will continue to do.

Americans of conscience must make every sacrifice and take every opportunity to resist…to fight the dark tide and to earn back the respect of good people in the world. We cannot accept a fate determined by Donald Trump nor his supporters. They must not prevail. If it means fighting other Americans to regain the moral high ground it’s what must happen.

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Thank you, celina adams! (I should have acknowledged you when I copied and posted it!

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Yes, this really IS who we, collectively, are. We collectively, get the government that we, collectively, deserve. It's just incredibly sad that so many of our fellow citizens have, for decades, been so poorly informed.

You as an educator, must be familiar with the devastating 1983 report 'A nation At Risk,' and the devastating "report card" published 35 years later in the Washington Post which reported that the recommendations for improvement made in the 1983 report had been largely sidelined by political bickering, polarization, etc. And now we're all suffering the consequences. Education truly is a key foundation stone to democracy, and it has been allowed to atrophy for far too long. Complaining and pointing fingers about this now is not a solution, but it should be a strong lesson for whatever future we will have.

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Thanks John, I have not taught for a long time. I gave public education 10 years of my life, as a service to my nation, and then left. That period of service was no mistake but a planned contribution. I was fortunate to teach history and civics before computers and phones. I taught critical inquiry and dialogue using the social studies curricula. I still see some of my former students now in their 40s and I’m pleased with the skill set they have to be discerning, questioning adults.

Most teachers I know work hard and want only the best for their pupils. I agree however, that something has gone wrong with the system and we can do better. I also think, while it seems too easy to blame technology, we have to give its role in our lives a clear-eyed appraisal.

What are a few things that you think ought to be done to make our young less susceptible to anti-democratic behaviors?

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Hi, Celina --

The number one thing I'd recommend is a deep, solid grounding in critical thinking skills. Such skills would allow people to see through and reject the BS of liars and con men such as Trump & Co. Then, of course, civics and history, with an emphasis on the historical swings between democratic rule and authoritarian rule. And finally, at an appropriate age and grade level, I'd insist that every young person read Ruth Ben-Ghiat's stunning book 'Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present.' No one who has read that book would ever vote to elect a "strongman" ruler or wannabe strongman ruler such as Trump. Trump is, of course, actually a weakman ruler who is being played like a violin by clever thugs such as Putin.

I'd also require an age-appropriate reading of Carl Sagan's 'The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.'

And then don't forget to teach them that "darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." -- MLK

With these arrows in the mental quivers of young people, I believe our democracy would be secure from the blandishments of charlatans such as Trump and others of his ilk.

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Thanks John. I’d agree whole heartedly. Will also put that book on my reading list.

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Even those of us who have lived the "sober idealist" life and worked to maintain democratic practices and institutions, will now and forever more be looked at by the world as 'those americans.' And owning the mistakes of idealism means we are, in some ways, also responsible for where we find ourselves.

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I’m intrigued by your comment Mary Jo. I’m willing to own my share of the blame. Maybe you can name some of the “mistakes of idealism”.

I know that I erred in believing Americans had a shared set of values. I am now squarely disabused of that notion.

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Resist with


Good trouble ahead..

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“You don’t have the cards,” said the many times bankrupted former casino owner. And how many who voted for him don’t care. You’re right, Anand, this is apparently who we have become as a country.

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...Bankrupt in every conceivable way. A pathological, serial liar. A convicted-by--a-jury-of-peers felon. A sexual abuser- predator.

And still, his RepubMinions defend and support... True, many Americans - especially those that support this flagrant monstrosity - are weak-minded, racist, misogynistic, cowardly sycophants.

But no, not most of us.

It will take strength and courage. Like that already displayed by many good folks who are directly in the line of fire of these wicked, corrupt hypocrites: the current administration, the Reprehensible Repub. Congress and the weenie billionaires who are prostrating at the feet of monsters.

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It is our job now to speak the truth and inform those who are open to listen but do not know how find the truth. We have only just begun to fight back .

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Bravo to your son, the pianist.

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Thank you for your writing. Our worst national nightmare has come to pass and you are helping clear the smoke.

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The music was a perfect addition to so many feelings I am struggling to articulate. 💙

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It was perfect.

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Well said Anand. I'm Looking for trouble, good trouble.

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You and Orion are a good team. I hope you do more of these evocative pieces together.

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In studying history, I have often wondered-- not how Hitler became the hateful destructive murdered he was---but how the country fell in line behind him.

I know that there are some abhorent, degenerate, evil human beings--that seems to be inevitable, but for the masses to adopt these abominable visions of a future, that is truly the part that I don't want to believe. That people could see such a creature as a leader or savior is the real nightmare. And thus the country falls into the abyss.

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… and if we don’t stay vigilant, informed, and active, we still may.

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I wondered the same thing… until recently. I had heard about, and seen a few clips of this event, but none were as chilling as this one… https://youtu.be/NC1MNGFHR58

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We have always had this undercurrent of Fascism. Watch Rachel Maddow's podcast series Ultra. We came very close to falling down that rabbit hole.

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Wonderful musical interludes. 😍

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Yay Orion. Your music was perfect.

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Orion Continue to practice your piano playing. You're doing very well. Your work introducing your father's essay today was very well done and important to set the tone of your father's piece. Keep up the good work!

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