Watched you on MJ while making a sign for today’s march in D.C. because it’s one of the best ways to fight. Federal judges have Trump’s Doge on the ropes (using words like ‘lies’ and ‘sham’, the stock market plunge is waking people up and our allies are turning against us all around us. Get out there and fight!

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Thanks for sharing. I'm really loving your perspective. You are keeping me in the fight when Dem leadership makes me want to quit.

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I saw you on Morning Joe. You were terrific. The clips they showed of angry voters at a NC town hall are of my congressman Chuck Edwards.

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Excellent. Thank you Anand

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Empathy and compassion are feelings POTUS doesn’t understand. They frighten him. So using them to fight back is powerful.

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Yay!! Listened to you on morning Joe. Thanks for giving voice to Bernie on the trail Anand!! Even though Joe immediately turned it into a story about himself as always. lol. Worth it. I also think the other reporter’s mentioning Gavin is missing the difference between sucking up to the right and hearing the plight of Trump’s voters…

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Thank you!!

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I'm always comforted by the stability and persistence of your magnificent White Cliffs of Dover coiff, a mighty prow guiding us through treacherous shoals.

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Well said! :-) We love you, Anand, whether because of, or in spite of, your coif! That distinctive coif sits atop some very good thinking! Go get 'em, Anand! Keep giving 'em hell, and speaking truth to power!

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It’s about time US media started covering what Bernie’s one person show is doing. Now that’s a real leader!!

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Yes! Amen! Bernie has more credibility in his pinkie finger than all the Republicans, and many of the Democrats put together! And the fact that he's not running for office gives his words even greater weight.

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Dems won't get us out of this. We are the heros we need. Always been this way. Elected officials won't lead us out of a coup.

our "leaders" won't save us. The anti Vietnam War Movement was not led by elected officials (zero) but was led by us. It will be the people that do something (or not). Unfortunately the only reason the Vietnam War protest worked was the draft and then the lottery which ensured that many Americans were personally impacted by the fact their sons were sent to war. Congress learned quickly and got rid of the draft and we have never been united as a nation again.

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Well done, Anand. And boy is Bernie working the correct strategy.

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Thanks for your clarity. After seeing the list of Democratic senators who were considering voting "yes" on the continuing resolution last know via Joy Reid, I got up really early (I live on the west coast) and called and emailed every single one of them urging them to vote NO including Chuck Schumer. I made clear that I was retired federal employee, on SS and Medicare and that I fully understood the ramifications of a NO vote and that it was the only way to start holding the line on the ugliness of the Trump/Musk/Republican regime. And, as you and many of the guests you have had on The.Ink has stressed -- message the heck out of it -- put it clearly and crisply -- this is a Trump/Musk/Republican shutdown and the Democrats voted to stop the stealing of our money and out future. They shut the government down...... Anyway -- thank you Anand and everyone who comments on The.Ink. I take heart and inspiration from your comments and all the interviews.

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Well done on Morning Joe! Thank you for lifting up Bernie. We need more Dems out there doing exactly what he's doing. They need to let him lead since he knows how to listen, how to explain the problem, and how to describe what we're FOR.

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We must stop the CR as it gives the President new powers to steal legally and to tax citizens in a way that puts the funds under Executive branch unilateral control. Give the purse to a felon? We must stop the CR. It gives the President new powers. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/fraud?r=3m1bs

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That was a great summation of The Bernie Tour.

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