Ann Arbor—Began picketing at Tesla two weeks ago (just myself and one other person) and a week ago there were 60 folks and a local NPR reporter to do a story! Will be going back regularly.

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Good job Ann Arbor.

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How about we help Tesla employees find another job and no employee goes to work there ever again?!!!

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Tucson! I sold my Tesla the week after the election! And my husband gave his

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during the podcast I bought a car magnet that reads F ELON

I am going to put it on the back of my car and also put an upside down flag on my car antannae.

I see it as a type of social proof, i.e. broadcasting that things are not okay.

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I tuned in at 3, but had to leave. I’ve just watched the video in its entirety and would like to add just one fact which is based on my experience as a Union Organizer/Educator prior to my retirement.

I worked on and ran close to 100 Union campaigns throughout the Country. Union organizing can be extremely depressing. Why? Because there was never ever an even playing field. The moment the targeted Company found out their employees were engaged in union activity…all hell would break loose. It would be at that moment the Company would hire a lawyer and begin tormenting people with a “typical” negative anti Union campaign. This was done by using intimidation, fear mongering, lies and empty promises. (Sound familiar)? I wanted to add this in addition to industry evolution and Large Company’s exploiting workers in Mexico, China etc. because it is a huge piece of what we describe as Union Decline.

In my opinion, we have been owned by Oligarchs for at least 30 years. Not only have they owned our politicians, they have also intimidated workers interested in forming a Union at their workplace.

They are showing the entire World they don’t give a flying frogs 🐸 ass about humans. Because they are inhumane!

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Musk prides himself as a neo-liberal. Neo-liberalism is neither new nor liberal.

We need to call out what the “neoliberals” really are: Neo-Feudalists. The ones behind the castle moat who want to dominate the serfs toiling in the fields—that is Musk’s and Agent Orange’s vision for America (and the World.)

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Left leaning people are selling their Teslas and wouldn't consider buying one. Right leaning people are hostile towards electric cars. Why is the belief in the company still there?

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Tesla stock to 3 charities!

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Happy to see another wonderful live chat. Feeling pretty good as I really “titrate” how much I take in….it IS a critical moment….thanks, guys! From beautiful rural Santa Fe County, New Mexico. A Blue place, mostly.

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A little off topic but a thought about a simple act of protest: like the National Park employees who hung an upside-down flag over Half Dome, everyone get an American flag and hang it upside down on your porch, just like Mrs. Alito!!

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Tuning in from Honolulu and telling family and friends EVERY DAY about how smart The Ink is! Tuning in to channel my rage and find new ways to SAY NO every day. Some have already subscribed--it was not a hard sell.

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From CA!

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NYC and Outraged

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AI is not an environmentally neutral tech. It uses a massive amounts of energy, most of it involving burning fossil fuels and increasing CO2 and methane emissions by huge amounts. It's a big problem as we head faster and faster into climate destabilization. Protecting workers is incredibly important, and we need a habitable planet.

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I wonder if the Democrats moved from the past supporters after the Citizens tSupreme Court decision on unlimited contributions to a party. The democrats followed the republicans after the big money. And have unions missed the boat when they had the congress and president by not extending the organizable to supervisors like the public sector. Much larger contingent awaiting out there. That may be why private sector unions like uaw, teamsters and cwa are going after public sector.

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