POTUS throws out hurtful language all the time. He enjoys demeaning others and spreading fear and hate. If someone needs to be arrested for hate speech it should be him.

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Big promises, lame excuses...rank dishonesty. Welcome to retribution, wrecked economy, & Putinism. Buckle up for "detox" from the Biden economy that the WSJ 10/3//24 said: "The Next President Inherits a Remarkable Economy" then envy of the world. https://www.wsj.com/economy/the-next-president-inherits-a-remarkable-economy-7be2d059

Dem admins created 98% of jobs since 1989 while GOP lost jobs & ballooned the deficit.


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That for every hurt, there is a leaf to cure it. Wonderful, and I think, true, Anand. But sometimes the process of healing (which I think can usefully be distinguished from a cure) is long, involves suffering, and a recognition that we must do what we can to cooperate with it, rather than remaining passive.

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It is a fascist takeover. They will be shooting and gassing protestors next. Rump and Co. cannot wait to kill people. Can we talk about the people and institutions who will advise and protect people from getting blown away during protests? Isn’t it acceptable to feel despair while trying to fight fascism? It seems like it to me. Going forward, protestors will have to know they could be killed. That is a despairing thought but is reality. No “institution” has physically shown up to protect people. Where is the branch that will step in and enforce the law to take the regime to jail, for breaking the law? Nothing. Terrifying to realize our democracy has no power to enforce laws. They are treasonous, but where is the democratic response to treason? Nothing. Crickets? I guess democracies allow people to get desperate enough to sacrifice their lives. Sad that is the only way to take back rights and freedoms. So, democratic countries have no protections and preventions to fascist takeovers. Isn’t an important part of the “rule of law” the enforcement of the law?! Why haven’t they been carted to jail for breaking numerous laws?! Signed a despairing and pissed off citizen

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Thank you Anand for your writings! I appreciate your caring for us as a resistance community, and was touched several podcasts ago when you said that your community has lots of practice with oppression, I am so heartily sorry for that. It has made you a clear thinker, good listener, communicator and spokesperson for all of us. I am grateful.

One of the replies (to this post) inspired me to write to Rubio, and interestingly enough after I sent the note, see my reply to Heidi's post; the header came up "Thank you for sharing your thoughts with president trump"! Ick - it is like Rubio is not even there.... it is his website?! or isn't it? Well now "they" have MY NAME as a protester, using freedom of speech (a very dissenting voice..) .... let's see, maybe I could make up a green card so when they come for me they can enjoy taking one... maybe I could make it out of plywood, so it would be harder to pocket it! I may get three hots and a cot (jail) for this but we need to let them know this is not acceptable... what an upside down country they have made this into (on purpose for devaluing , demoralizing and destroying it of course). We have work to do people! Let's do what comes to us, eh? Onward, and upward!

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At a rally last week, the person standing beside me said, we have to voice our opinions while we still can. It is a war on the right to protest. Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny, Rule #1 Do Not Obey in Advance. Rule #20, Be As Courageous As You Can. Thank you Anand.

Yesterday I was out walking and someone shared this group with me. They have templates for discussion when you call your Representatives on a wide range of topics. https://5calls.org/

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Anand, In many ways I think this is the worst thing Mr Trump has done. If we do not have the first amendment in this country, truly, who are we?! Thank you so much for focusing on this topic in your essay. Much appreciated sir. ♥️👏

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These BTSSDB daily publications are giving me LIFE; consistency is worth its weight in gold at this very unstable moment. I am so deeply grateful for you, Anand, and the rest of The Ink crew and community.

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Wow. Students have every right to protest due to the 1st amendment.

On another note, those who protested what was happening in Gaza and voted for donnycon likely have a serious case of “buyers remorse.” Not only does trump think he’s going to throw Palestinians out of Gaza for to create another crappy “resort,”he’s also illegally deporting the protesters. Harris wouldn’t have done that. Those students should NOT be deported for exercising their 1st amendment rights though I wonder why in the world they thought trump would handle the Gaza situation better than Dems.

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Why is no one talking about the fact that with the Trump/Bondi/Patel/Bongino chain of command at our Department of Justice we have become what is, in essence, a police state, or, perhaps more accurately, a mafia state, with Trump as the godfather.

For a glimpse of where this can quickly take us, please check out the situation in El Salvador under the Nayib Bukele regime, where citizens can be arrested and imprisoned at the whim of the regime: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/inside-el-salvador-notorious-cecot-mega-prison/ . This video footage looks like something ripped from a dystopian science fiction film.

Exactly what or who is separating us from this fate, and for how long?

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We must focus on abstract constitutional rights regardless of whether we agree with the point of view being “punished” - otherwise their net will grow (the use of AI is terrifying and you can see where that will lead) and we will end up squarely in dystopia - if we’re not there already.

Excited for the chat tonight, and for Rebecca Solnit! ❤️

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Supporting the rights of Palestinians to exist peacefully in their own land doesn't mean that you are aligned with Hamas or are anti-Semitic.

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We have quickly gone to hell in a hand basket.

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Good morning. My Building Community group here in rural WNC is loosely affiliated with Indivisible. I’m so excited about your Live tonight and am notifying everyone about it.

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What do we do about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWSWqn7UHYM

It is statistically next to impossible that Trump won. Why are we not allowed to question the voting?

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