Our elected reps need to step up. I'm picturing one of those old films where the invading enemy is climbing up ladders in an effort to capture a castle under seige. What do those tasked with keeping them out do? Duck and hide, or stand and fight, as best they can and even against all odds, even at the cost of their lives, in order to protect the mass of people who've crowded inside the castle, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO DO, their reason for being. This is a new situation, a dangerous situation. Cowardice be damned.

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Why is it even a choice? Dems we require a NO vote!!

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We cannot give the emergency powers to Trump. No shape, form, or fashion. That is what President Paul Hindenburg gave to Hitler in 1933. That was the death knell of democracy in Germany. Fascism resulted. The CR must be shot down for that reason alone. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/dictatorship-is-choreographed?r=3m1bs

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Do we even know if the CR has provisions to cut Medicaid, SS and Medicare or is it just an agreement to keep govt open? The Dems will be blamed for everything the Repubs and Donny don’t like so if they vote to shut govt down then they’ll be blamed.

If Vance and the Repubs continue to try to give over all power to Trump then how do we stop that? What’s the point of having a Congress and SCOTUS if they are trying to make Donny the dictator with the only power to just continue to rule by signing executive orders. Seems like Congressional members would have no role and lose their jobs bit the Repubs get paid now to basically not work.

I listened to John Fetterman be interviewed by Stephanie Rhule. He is voting with Repubs. When she asked him

if he thought Trump was acting as an authoritarian he dodged the question. He says he’s a Dem but he seems to be acting and speaking like a Repub. if I lived in PA I’d start a movement to replace him.

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Wow! That really stinks!!!

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In the American Revolution, Taxation Without Representation meant overthrowing the King and military of England.

WE are at the same point! WE agreed to be forced to pay taxes to IRS for a law/order, Constitutional, 3 branch equal power, checks and balance republic. This no longer is what WE pay for NOW.

States Secede, IRS Tax Revolt, Massive Class Action Taxpayers' Tax Revolt Case, Something has to Be Done now that we still have courts dedicated to law/order, Constitution.

1776 American's didn't have their own courts-USE whatever remains of our law/order republic. WE need to keep our IRS taxes in our states and pockets to fight back the Dictators, Oligarchs. Handing over our $$$ to enrich a select few chosen by Kings, Lords, Businesses, Oligarchs is not the deal WE hand over our $$$ to willingly.

I am purchasing nothing except food, necessities for life, bills for shelter, insurance, electricity etc.

I am also retired and make estimated tax payments that I will no longer do and will not pay taxes ever again until budget LAWS are enforced and court decisions are enforced.

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#BenedictMusk is a threat to our national security, economy, & global alliances.

Manchurian candidates Russian agents historically shameful & depraved...The Kremlin patted Trump on the head for betraying our democratic ally & aligning the U.S. with dictators & kleptocrats. #VladsPoodle

Never a shortage of snake oil or cod liver oil for whatever ails you: Trump, Musk & MAGA, in their vision of gangster government & kleptocracy, believe that democracy is for sale & that they've bought control of the US government...that Trump, Musk & their MAGA oligarchs can act with impunity. Threats of retribution & prosecution for those who would uphold the rule of law are intended to silence opposition & compel obedience in advance.

WSJ 10/3//24: "The Next President Inherits a Remarkable Economy" then envy of the world. https://www.wsj.com/economy/the-next-president-inherits-a-remarkable-economy-7be2d059

Dem admins created 98% of jobs since 1989 while GOP lost jobs & ballooned the deficit.


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WHY can't a class action case of millions of taxpayers be brought to court to STOP DOGE, IMPOUNDMENT, SHREDDING DOCUMENTS, FIRINGS and countless other lawless, COUP measures that spend our taxes against the LAW of the last budget that keeps getting continued without oversight, enforcement of law and court decisions. A win in court means NOTHING! trump/GOP/Musk just keeps going.

Taxation Without Representation because budget laws mean nothing. Congress controls the purse but if no one enforces laws, CONGRESS can just go home and no one will miss them in a KINGDOM of trump/GOP/Oligarchs/Musk. Executive Branch who will enforces only the laws they like for more power and wealth.

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Thinking a shutdown might not be a bad idea—kind of like a strike? People will feel the loss of public servants immediately and maybe wake them up to what Musk is working towards. The dire consequences of a shutdown for federal employees made me hesitate to voice this thought here, but I so would love to see Trump’s tantrum and inability to do anything about not having a federal government to torture that I had to share the thought. And because the House Ds did not vote to keep the government open because it was tied to Trump’s budget, the shutdown is a direct result of Trump’s proposals for huge tax breaks for millionaires.

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Listening to the Bill Frissell jazz trio felt like a big, long hug—thank you!

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We know where the world’s dictators got/ get all the funds to build gold palaces, 20’x5’ round solid malachite pillars, yachts, many many sports cars and nauseating shows of excessive wealth-from the citizens of the countries they rule with iron fists. This is Donny’s dream - beyond gold toilets. Absolute control. Stealing from everyone possible. Imprison, threaten or kill anyone in their way. It’s the playbook and it is being implemented with rapid speed and shared with Muskova’s willingness to play along. HTF do we stop this? The mad kings are controlling and I am mad as hell!

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Really good explanation of Trump and Musk’s evil ways and how the government money spending is could be absconded by them.

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the bill frissell trio was exactly what i needed today! so, again, thank you!

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Thank Anand. Another important essay. Signed up for the call on Thursday.

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