This is a sad state of affairs. The media is complicit, intentionally or unintentionally, but the result is the same. Once again, we have Haitian people, black immigrants once again being used badly not only the patience are being used badly, but the people of Springfield have become collateral damage, As the Tactics of the Republican playbook being carried out by JD Vance and Donald Trump. The question is who will be next. As we know anyone is game in this vicious fight for gaining control of this country.

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I have been making this comparison for a while now. Essentially trump and the rest of hte MAGA leadership have been building extreme hatred and fear of liberals . Othering. There was even that new book "unhuman" that takes it its natural step further. They have given permission for violence. Foment fear whenever possible and frightened people are capable of much harm. Esp with weapons - military grade no less. The Supreme Court has helped along the way. So has the media. Today on WNYC I was shocked to hear a journalist interviewing a business owner who supports trump and not asking the hard questions but rather normalizing this. It is continuously shocking to me.

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and by that comparison, I mean between us and Rwanda.

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We must get big money and dark money out of politics. Overturning Citizen's United and restoring the Fairness Doctrine would be a good start.

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Vance: "we have a vice president who is not doing her job in protecting that small Ohio town." Interesting take on Vice Presidential duties. One might ask Pence what he was doing to protect El Paso, Gilroy, or any other places in the 35 mass shootings during his tenure in office.

Pretty sure it involved thinking and praying.

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Freedom of speech is handled differently here in Europe, where I live, than in the US, where I was born. I am intrigued by the competing interests of freedom of speech vs propaganda used as a weapon. E.g., holocaust denial is not allowed in France. I agree that the GOP's decision to spread misinformation (with the resulting political violence) deliberately is terrorism by proxy.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

I just wrote in the referenced article instead of here. I am on chapter 16 of Invisible Doctrine by George Monibot and Peter Hutchison and I just finished Naomi Klein's Doppelgänger. You are all saying the same about these tactics here that are somehow blind to many. Also on podcast Master Plan this morning heard about the Powell Memo - the master plan!

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oh you have touched my greatest fear. I will read in more detail after my work day and for now, I want to let you know this neighbor against neighbor is what I fear most in our society. This is why I don't do call and response - ever - even it's my "team" or my cause. At what point do we stop thinking for ourselves and rely on what we know to be true. At what point does what we know to be true about our fellow humans shift? Thank you for raising this. Today I am a grateful subscriber.

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If you don't really understand how His Heinous -- doubling down all all the Heinousness -- still has so much support, remember that our reptile brains are reactive and scared about existential crisis. The news media "bleed and lead" keeps us stuck in this, because it's sucking our reptile/amygdala brains, which hold more cranial power than our executive functions. It's a 4/1 battle, folks.

This dinosaur brain -- a Tyrannosaurus -- fears death, and it works to curl unthinking brains into themselves. Violence works on more peaceful brains, especially if they have not been exposed to a wider universe.

And it is no wonder that Republicans -- like all authoritarians -- are very interested not only in fomenting fear, but also want to shut down thinking, beginning with shutting down public education.

Please see this:


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As Lawrence O'Donnell said last week, the MSM needs to stop sane-washing him, and his enablers and co-conspirators. We've reached peak psychopathy

Let's hope that Coach Walz does as good a job "debating" JD Vance as Kamala did with Trump.

Here's a long, but well worth your time, discussion of how Kamala performed an open therapy session on DJT at the 9-10-2024 "debate." https://youtu.be/VfDUqTK20jY

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And, don't forget the mayhem unleashed on Asians and Asian Americans when the (former) President of the United States kept referring to COVID - 19 as "the China flu". The cause and effect were very clear then.

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Excellent article. As an immigrant I am disgusted by the depraved indifference of Trump, Vance and their acolytes. What hurts even more is the all or nothing of my liberal friends who characterise all Trump voters in pejorative terms; not all voters are supporters. And after almost 40 years living here I no longer feel I belong here. Sad, really..

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