Ah, dear Anand, I thank you. You have brought us to the place of the soul, where the work must take place. May we have the courage. And the love.

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I loved what you wrote because it is what will heal us of this illness.

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This piece nailed it. I agree. The work won’t be easy. But it’s a thrilling challenge.

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Can we change? Of course. Will we? We’ll find out. I’ve read that “Be Best” will be resurrected on behalf of America’s children. Here’s my list. It’s woefully inadequate but it’s a start. I look forward to checking for progress each January 20 until America is best in these areas:

Best in Life Expectancy: Monaco/Current US ranking: 49th in the world

Best public school system: Iceland/Current US ranking: 13th in the world

Best healthcare: Singapore/Current US ranking: 69th in the world

Best infant survival rate: Monaco/Current US ranking: 54th in the world

Best maternal survival rate: Estonia/Current US ranking: 55th, the worst among all developed nations

Best trust in government: Switzerland/Current US ranking: 23rd in the world

Best hope for the future: Indonesia/Current US ranking: 23rd in the world

Best math education: China/Current US ranking: 28th (out of 37) in the world

Best food security: Finland/Current US ranking: 13th in the world

Best housing security:Japan/Current US ranking: 78th (out of 100) in the world

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Yes, we were once number one militarily, but now we’re second to China. We also led in many other areas. So, what happened?

For those who like to believe the USA is still the best in the world, that was true once upon a time. Democracy made us number one. But as democracy declined—driven by rising wealth disparity—our standard of living also declined.

For capitalism to thrive, it requires a functioning democracy that regulates and redistributes wealth. Without this balance, as we’ve seen, capitalism devolves into oligarchy.

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Be best by ending racism and sexism…

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And ableism! People like us are often forgotten in DEI conversations but we’re directly impacted. DEI overlaps with ADA. What if they decide to rip out the ramps and reinstall stairs?

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… or stop providing ASL interpreters (who have been increasingly ridiculed in recent years).

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I enjoyed this. I think the autoimmune disease analogy is brilliant.

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Who we choose to be. How we choose to show up. What we choose to do. Three questions that spring to mind as I read the latest words from Anand. And a different take from what I've heard before. I tried at this early hour, on a day that I have been fearful of, think about a recent example that can illustrate the choice we can make. The devastating wildfires in LA serve as an example. I watched three different examples. 1. Those who blamed others for what happened. 2. Those who posted a picture of social media expressing their love for LA. 3. Those who took actions on behalf of those who lost homes, businesses and hope (and inspired others to do so). Example 2 is about sort of expressing concern, but doing so in a way that makes one look good, before they post how wonderful their lives are again. And while I have no hope for those in the first camp, those in #2 are the ones we need to motivate to join us in action.

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Yes. Humans throughout time have survived climatic, economic and political disasters. Such disasters have also taken the lives of multitudes. May we all act with care and determination as we face into the inevitabilities, but also possibilities, of the changes we are creating.

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January 20, 2025

Good morning, Mr. Giridharadas,

You are a brilliant thought leader, and your essay brought a larger truth into sharp focus. As always. It was also good to see/hear you on MSNBC this morning. When we wonder who are young leaders we can turn to for clarity, hope, and guidance in the days ahead, we think of you and thank you. Bill and Molly Davis, Columbus, Ohio.

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When Anand appears on MSNBC, I turn up the volume. He clarifies what it means to be a liberal thinker. He focuses my own beliefs and makes me a better small "d" democrat. Thanks for leading the way, Mr. Giridharadas.

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This is why I subscribe, thank you

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You are right on. I have understood that my “shadow “ side has allowed this happening to come to be. I know my better angels are working but the darker side must be seen and excavated so that I can help us to become what we want to be. God willing !!!

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Love this… we must become elevated human beings. The work is difficult, but worth the effort. We need a “good human” movement, to remind us that we can always be better even with the lurking shadow. The goal is: becoming the light we carry!

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Anand is the philosopher of our times. We are our multiplicities, the good the bad and the ugly. And the good the true and the beautiful.

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There are 2 wolves that reside in all of us… the loving wolf and the fearful wolf. We determine which one we feed on a daily basis. We are both!

77 million people fed the fearful wolf and 75 million fed the loving wolf. Only 152 million people participated in the political process … the US eligible voting population is around 245 million which means that 93 million (38%) did not feed either wolf!!!!!????

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When you consider the sacrifices made to secure and protect the right to vote, choosing not to exercise it dishonors those efforts. If you don’t vote, whatever excuse you may have, it’s a disservice to the privilege and responsibility of living in a democracy.

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47 is the puppet— the real disease started with the backlash to the Civil Rights Act and the Voters Rights Act - elsewhere on this platform I read a piece that accurately describes how Dems have not learned to grind the machine that the conservatives and far right Republicans have- the puppetmasters have developed think tanks across the nation and in each state to influence (really too weak of a word) corrupt coerce & litigate, and systematically destroy public education. They have focused on what they needed to control and by and large got it- they control small and big market media in radio and television, small local newspapers have been taken over by conglomerates. To watch average Americans (who voted for 47) interviewed on CBS and MSNBC say to journalists that they know 47 will do the things that need to get done, etc and hopefully turn the economy around. These people have voted in a mirage and our righteousness does no good.

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Wow. I needed this so much today. Thank you a hundredfold.

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Beautifully said on this day. Thank you

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Anand G, every so often you generate amazing insight that requires a level of intelligence that is rare. Thank you for this brilliant insightful letter.

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Thank you for this insightful diagnosis; so much food for thought. Now we need a national conversation with our shadow self to see what might heal us.

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Great analogy - Yes, Trumpism is a part of us, but also isn’t the only part. We need to keep working on how to reduce the inflammation.

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