My take: I saw Kamala Harris (as with the debate with Trump) meet misinformation and fear (masquerading as 'strength') and his combative stance with intelligence, respect and righteous indignation. I saw Baier STOP talking when she began "THIS IS A DEMOCRACY" in the tones (not of anger at him) but indignant - for America. It was gorgeous. He saw it. We all saw it. But it was her - not getting lost in any of the traps (the easy distractions) - calling out an attempted dodge of the truth, but (I can't say this strongly enough) she didn't get lost in attacking her interlocutor - she kept focus on HER message. For a Black Woman to do that - but not get lost in fury (not easy, there's a lot to be furious about) was sheer poetry. She embodied that saying: "when they go low, we go high". She was positively Presidential.

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I never watch FOX News. It just bothers me. And perhaps "news" is the wrong word to use. But I did tune in last night to watch the interview with Kamala Harris. But what I saw wasn't even an interview. It was an interrogation -- all designed to make her look bad, feeble, inadequate. They went in with their agenda, even with one of their "fair" journalists. Yet, our VP was strong, determined and wanted to speak with all Americans. She won on her own merits. But she also won because she pushed back on an enemy of our democracy, FOX, and told the truth. He truth. And the truth of America's future. And a truth of America's present.

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Well said, but I'd like to add that this behavior goes beyond the interruptions to include raising his voice, a full-body leaning towards Harris, choice of words, and scowling in an attempt to force his views upon her. There has always been, and there still is, a large group of men who believe they have the right to dominate women. They also believe they have the right to dominate anyone who isn't in their "group" but they particularly use physical movements towards women. I think women voters have always been underestimated and that this time, we're going to succeed in having our voices heard. I'm a 72 year old woman, retired academic, and I've spent my life dealing with so many men like this. It's far past time to elect a woman President but it's also time for men to change this part of male culture. One of the many things I've always liked about Obama, Biden and Walz (and other public men like them) is that they don't use their physicality to try to force anything on anyone. I enjoy watching men, such as Anand and Medi Hassen, when they speak and interview someone because they don't use their male physicality, they use their intellect. I don't watch Fox at all, and I don't watch CNN or other MSM shows when they all sit around and constantly interrupt and yell at each other. Delivering news and opinions shouldn't be a gladiator fight. When I began my academic career I had to wear 3-4" heels every day so male students and faculty couldn't easily loom over me when we were speaking one-on-one. I also know that not every woman responds to this behavior in the same way, and there is no "right" way to deal with it. I don't know any woman who doesn't spend some time, every day, looking out to keep herself safe from men, at home and in public. It may be instinctive and unconscious, but it's there. I do, however, think that women are very, very tired of the aggression, the patriarchy and the misogyny and that Republicans are not expecting how our votes will affect the election.

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I don't watch Fox News but this article was great. You had me at the first paragraph and it hit viscerally. I'm glad she did the interview, it's likely the only direct words of hers that my in-laws will see.

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Fair assessment and Fox was true to its nature. Kudos to Kamala in calling out the edited clips and truth.

Fox epitomizes all that has gone wrong with our major tv news networks. How condescending to the public at large to be treated to outright lies, edited and censored content.

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We are NOT going back...

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The “new” silent majority is tired of being ignored by the loud and vocal and “old” minority. I’m a white Mallon my 70’s. I was scolded for drinking out of a “colereds only” water fountain on a field trip when I was in the third grade in an all white southern elementary school. I graduated from a southern university in the 90’s that was 50% white and 50% other races I.e. Asian, Hispanic, and black. The world changes mostly for the better. The United States is a nation of immigrants and that is America’s secret power. We are the sum of all our parts and better for it. The !950’s is only in reruns so the nostalgia for those times is past. I for one look forward to the future and hope the future wins this election The world, our country, and myself will be better for that outcome The hands of time can’t be turned back. For my sake and all Americans - democracy must prevail in this election. Save us from the Orban wannabe|

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I only watched clips of the Fox interview. I felt that VP Harris modeled for all of us how to effectively deal with a person like Fox interviewer and get one’s point across.

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Excellent Offense, but she has to shore up her Defense. Too much waffling in response to questions where she could have articulated a solid response & moved on.


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Anand thank you for YOU. You are the reason I signed on to the Ink. And I don't join public platforms. Your words are, again, refreshing to listen to. Saw you again on MSNBC today.

Kamala, being a years long experienced attorney in different venues, gives her the strength and ability to focus on issues AND bullies. Her living through ethnic sensibilities and being a woman gives her deeper insight into all people's. She's the perfect person right now who can face all these ugly barriers that she knew ahead of time that she would face.

We all need to support her in any manner that is positive. She's standing on one helluva platform that demands her to juggle on so many levels from good to evil.

Kamala rocks, rock on Kamala!

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As a woman retired from a profession filled with condescending males, I heartily agree with your take on Baier. And Bravo to Harris for taking on that which was bound to be this kind of interview so she could indeed fulfill her pledge to represent "all the people," even those whose viewing habits mean they have had no chance to learn "who she is."

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I thought VP Harris was a victorious gladiator. Her righteous indignation towards the anti-American running against her was pure magic and Baier had nowhere to go but to silence. So happy she chose to go on Fox. Despite their best efforts she would not be denied.

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I tried to watch the Fox interview , was unable to watch this display of uncouthness and vulgarity.

What an unfortunate spectacle.. I was grateful that was able to spare myself the indignity of it

all.. It is regrettable that Vice President Harris had to suffer this indignity.. She is a courageous woman. I did not have the stomach to suffer the interview. What a catastrophe it will be if that revolting man becomes President of the US. Heaven help us all

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She did a strong job.

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Right on observations.

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Well said.

Frankly, I think "The Ink" should just be Anand's essays and videos.

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