Oddly resonant this morning. What’s it going to take, Anand? 2 million people in the streets of DC calling for the ouster of the Musk/Trump regime? Night after night? Like the Ukrainians ousted Yanuokovitch?

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Thank You - matching this moment without words is very useful in my realm.

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Suitably somber.

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More musical interludes, please! I'm going to play this one for my uncle. He's a retired pianst. 🙂

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Minor keys so suit the shady side of things. There's an awful beauty in them, in how they reveal how much we benefit from and turn toward the light, in the end. "Succession" was a real Greek Tragedy, wasn't it. Meant to instruct more than to entertain. Thanks, Anand, you energetic polymath, you.

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I am listening to Senator Chris Murphy right now SIX Weeks In- You're Next but this is also a musthttps://www.murphy.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/murphy-six-weeks-in-this-white-house-is-on-its-way-to-being-the-most-corrupt-in-us-history

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WOW, my husband and I just listened to/watched this. His accounting is incredible, terrifying, amazing and makes my head explode. I am going to send this link to everyone I know. Thank you!

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Thank you for sharing this.

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I thought Senator Murphy really tied it all up as he exposed the last 6 weeks. 👍

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Love it - Perfect key. Now the people’s response in ? We had 4% of our town marching yesterday!!

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This was one of my granddaughter’s favorites when college was getting her down. I always knew her mood by what she chose to play first when she came home.

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Thank you Anand. As an intuitive I listened and received a dark image in black/whitish/grays of a place in Mother Russia where my ancestors lived. Oppressive, heavy, people looking at the ground and not each other.

I went to Moscow in the 80’s and wanted to feel some of what they were feeling. I stood in a long line of women waiting to for their one daily loaf of bread.

I 🙏 we are able to save our country from becoming what they did. We must resist and Free America!

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Hmmm. I "hear" the Russian people rising up against Putin as I listen to this. Navalny's sweet justice. Maybe Russians (somehow) can be "enabled" to take notes about how we citizens (eventually) figured out how to take back democracy. BTW. I'm having two lavender hats made. One that says "Awake" and the other that says "Pro Democracy Movement Member."

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Thanks for sharing. A dark piece that resonates inside me. Which give me hope. Thank You! Have a great Sunday!

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I heard several actual compositions as you played, notably a Schubert song. I appreciated the variation on each repetition and your musicality. Music expresses the inexpressible, and right now there are no words to express the anguish of what is happening in our country. Thank you.

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Gorgeous. Thank you for sharing. Also I was just the skunk at a party, and I might need this community to remind me that I did the right thing, bc it doesn’t always feel comfortable 😬

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Thank you. General thank you for all you do, and specifically for rhe piano. I joined a large march for Migrant women, Women generally, and Ukraine, and eventually, as it grew, and grew, an all purpose We Want Democracy march. In BOston. Felt good.

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TRUMP TO AMERICAN PUBLIC: “SHUT UP! SHUT UP ABOUT EGG PRICES”. Can we get that on a loop? POST IT EVERYWHERE? With a photo of Musk and Trump eating a pile of eggs?

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Hauntingly beautiful.

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