TOTALLY BRILLIANT ANALYSIS. Thank you so much for articulating all the things!

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I’d venture that most who listened to the debate felt better about the country, its future, and themselves. But, many people can’t listen. We switched to Fox minutes after the debate conclusion and that was proved. Implicit bias or dollar signs clouded Hannity’s thinking. It was self-embarrassing. She won the debate. Her facial expressions were award winning. But, winning the election is gonna be hard unless there is a massive blue wave. We can each add at least a ripple to creating one.

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Oh my god, Anand. I always love your writing, but this essay is a tour de force. It is beautiful. Thank you!

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This was pitch perfect. I especially loved the reference to Gloria's monologue in Barbie! Made me appreciate life imitating art AGAIN.

But Kamala Harris owned the night. The fear and fury in DJT's face was worth every aggravation he gave me. He always makes me cringe. It was wonderful to watch him do it for a change.

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Harris nailed it from every angle.

But there is no way she should do another debate. The goading will fall flat, the gestures and reactions will seem forced and the stump speech snippets will sound canned.

He will come more prepared. He will focus on his closing statement, which is the only part of his night that hit it hard--"you've been there 3 1/2 years, why didn't you do what you want to do now?" Plenty of comebacks for that, but it will have an effect.

Harris needs to say, "look, there is no reason to do another debate. We both got out our positions in Philadelphia so there is no reason to rehash them again for another TV audience. I've made my vision for America clear. Now it is time to get out and meet the people on the ground and share that vision with them."

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Thank you so much for this...My husband and I are in our late 60's and besides being old folks who need to go to bed by 9pm we also were too afraid to watch the debate...We feel pretty much sick to our stomach when we here Trump's voice, so we figured we would get the news in the morning...And wow did you deliver it!! I am now going to search YouTube to see if I can find footage of her entrance...I am so relieved to hear that she did so incredibly well...Thank you again for all of your hard work and expertise and talent that you weave together so beautifully that we may be a better informed and educated public!!

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Wow, can you write! Every phrase is a gem, in both substance and style. Thank you!

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You are a treasure … “resting fascist face” 😂

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Thank you for this column. I find it comforting. I appreciate how they have taken on George Lakoff's approach to reclaiming the concepts of freedom and democracy. The one thing I find challenging about the message from the top of the ticket is their failure to really address how we have become better off under the Biden/Harris presidency in so many ways. We are better off. I believe they have to explain that as well as lay out their plans for continuing the progress we have made to fill out the "caring economy" Harris describes.

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Excellent analysis. The view from the curtain forward was missing to show her brilliance and command. When you are a woman of color in a space like this one, every move is planned because it has to be. Because you know what the papers will print the next day. We have underestimated her. She is ready to lead.

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Much appreciated analysis. No one else has said it better or seen it as clearly.

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I love this article. Watching the debate gave me anxiety : listening to the constant reminders and ramblings of this deranged person and remembering his previous presidency. You reinforced all the solid points Harris made while I was wondering why Trump was given extra time, and the latitude to lie, slander and not being effectively held to the rules established and agreed upon by those who sponsored the debate.

Thank you for your well thought out response and thoughtful interpretation.

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Brilliant - sharing with everyone I know!

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Really good analysis of the gendered power dynamic

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This piece is a chef’s kiss. I’m seeing it being posted and reposted all over Threads. Best piece I’ve read on the debate, by far.

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If you dare to be who you really are, you deeply understand that “we as human beings are everything”…. Mean, kind, loving, aggressive, joyful, sad, fearful etc. etc. all at the same time. We all have these qualities within us… we simply make a choice of how we show up in any given situation/moment. You are right… society wants to “keep a woman in a labeled defined box”. Like Barbie… we want to be “unboxed” and be accepted for who we truly are … everything… messy, complicated, kind, hateful, compassionate etc. etc. etc.

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