Ruth Ben-Ghiat and I talk about how moral collapse explains Trump's ability to control American elites — and why it's also an opportunity to wrest America back
I think this was really good. If we could get to *1* wife of an inner circle member and get her to wake up and then wake up her husband, I think we could do a world of good. Because if *1* member of his inner circle decided to take either co-president down psychologically, that would be huge progress.
Hello - I've just watched this on video. Good discussion, with lots of "evidence," ie historical or contemporary examples to back up some of the conclusions and hypotheses that AG and RB-G make.
I'd like to comment on the issue of "why the Democrats are failing to show strong leadership at this point." From what I understand I think it is very important to analyze elected officials and their behaviors on two very different fronts. The first is how they see themselves in relationship to the actual people who elected them and the people they ostensibly represent - their voters and their constituents (some of whom did not vote for them). The second, and increasingly important issue is how they see themselves in relationship to their donors, who may or may not be their voters and increasingly are *not* in their voter group.
If you are an elected representative and the NRA was a big-money donor to your campaign, even if there is a horrific shooting in your area, you are going to think twice about questioning the issue of the gun(s) in that situation. If you have big money coming from large corporate interests, you just can't go around (the way Bernie and AOC and Bowman and Cori Bush and others who don't take certain kinds of big money do) spouting off about how much trouble Americans are in because of the corporate domination of agriculture (food), finance capital (mortgages and rents), the changeover to green technologies (fossil fuel industries), how we get information (corporate takeover of the newspaper/news industry) etc., etc.
So Democrats are stuck: they are being hit hard by the Rs, and the narrative that makes the most sense (ie it's not immigrants that are hurting our American way of life, but rather it is the steady and growing domination of so many parts of our lives by big-business, profit-centric corporations) is unavailable to the Ds, because this narrative would expose their donors to increased scrutiny.
We have to follow the money to understand the situation.
Judy from Lompoc, CA, where Elon Musk's SpaceX shatter's the peace and tranquility of our rural town with rockets that shake our foundations and startle us with percussive sonic booms in the middle of the night, like he is shattering our culture and government.
It's very hard to break through denial...because denial is broken, then one must act or knowingly not act. People don't want their lives disrupted by action
Finally got to finish this. Went through it again today to catch what i missed yesterday. Especially got to me: hollowing out the soul. I was in a cult from about 1975-1990 or 91. They do something similar to ones soul. when the truth can no longer be ignored, the devastation of that dawning becomes enlivening, although you feel like you’re dying.
Currently in Madeira. Good to get a break from the madness, although not completely. Will be back to demonstrativ upon return home. But can write even while away.
You two are the bomb 💣. Thank you both ♥️
Elizabeth Magenheimer New Haven
Desperate to make this nightmare stop
Indivisible group in Lansing, MI is quite active and growing, doing an excellent job. Glad to have that group to work with and be active.
I think this was really good. If we could get to *1* wife of an inner circle member and get her to wake up and then wake up her husband, I think we could do a world of good. Because if *1* member of his inner circle decided to take either co-president down psychologically, that would be huge progress.
Brooklyn here. You two help keep me going. Thank you so much for your courage and brilliance.
Hello - I've just watched this on video. Good discussion, with lots of "evidence," ie historical or contemporary examples to back up some of the conclusions and hypotheses that AG and RB-G make.
I'd like to comment on the issue of "why the Democrats are failing to show strong leadership at this point." From what I understand I think it is very important to analyze elected officials and their behaviors on two very different fronts. The first is how they see themselves in relationship to the actual people who elected them and the people they ostensibly represent - their voters and their constituents (some of whom did not vote for them). The second, and increasingly important issue is how they see themselves in relationship to their donors, who may or may not be their voters and increasingly are *not* in their voter group.
If you are an elected representative and the NRA was a big-money donor to your campaign, even if there is a horrific shooting in your area, you are going to think twice about questioning the issue of the gun(s) in that situation. If you have big money coming from large corporate interests, you just can't go around (the way Bernie and AOC and Bowman and Cori Bush and others who don't take certain kinds of big money do) spouting off about how much trouble Americans are in because of the corporate domination of agriculture (food), finance capital (mortgages and rents), the changeover to green technologies (fossil fuel industries), how we get information (corporate takeover of the newspaper/news industry) etc., etc.
So Democrats are stuck: they are being hit hard by the Rs, and the narrative that makes the most sense (ie it's not immigrants that are hurting our American way of life, but rather it is the steady and growing domination of so many parts of our lives by big-business, profit-centric corporations) is unavailable to the Ds, because this narrative would expose their donors to increased scrutiny.
We have to follow the money to understand the situation.
Judy from Lompoc, CA, where Elon Musk's SpaceX shatter's the peace and tranquility of our rural town with rockets that shake our foundations and startle us with percussive sonic booms in the middle of the night, like he is shattering our culture and government.
Lynn From Shoreline,WA
"Every Man Dies Alone" -- 2 people protesting Hitler.
It's very hard to break through denial...because denial is broken, then one must act or knowingly not act. People don't want their lives disrupted by action
Musk is hollowing out our government and centrilizing decision making for his own personal gain. Trump is the front.
Thank you so much for this. Here is my analysis/suspicion of what was behind last week's about face by the Senate Dems who gave the Republicans their clgotiated ean, unimpeded, win.
Finally got to finish this. Went through it again today to catch what i missed yesterday. Especially got to me: hollowing out the soul. I was in a cult from about 1975-1990 or 91. They do something similar to ones soul. when the truth can no longer be ignored, the devastation of that dawning becomes enlivening, although you feel like you’re dying.
Currently in Madeira. Good to get a break from the madness, although not completely. Will be back to demonstrativ upon return home. But can write even while away.