The Gop extreme right has been doing this since Barry Goldwater in 1964. Please see Richard Viguerie.

A supporter of Senator Joe McCarthy and the John Birchers, Viguerie has been sending lies as he learned that anger, fear and inciting hate was the most effective way to get votes and get people to send money. Viguerie and his imitators became very rich from Christian Nationalists attacks on gays, women's rights, and any candidates or groups that advocated equal and Civil Rights. Such people were all Commies or Commie influenced. It has been going on for well over 50 years and hasn't real changed must, except it no longer relies solely on donor lists and social media has expanded their efforts, and the money to be made.

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So good, as always.

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Thank you for amplifying what should be common sense. The fear mongers have been abusing our tolerance for free speech. They need to be identified and held to account. You’re generous attitude of compassion sets an example for more thoughtful people who value freedom of speech and expression in how to be respectful and fair minded to those who haven’t yet learned the value of personal integrity and respect for others. As for me, I look forward to justice being served.

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"We are not enemies

We are not helpless"

A reminder bumper sticker per Hank G)

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Here’s a thought experiment:

You read in your trusted news source that the Russian government has indicted several online influencers, each having tens of thousands of followers who support the leading opposition party, for, wittingly or unwittingly, working for a company that was a front for a U.S. influence operation.

What assumptions, what presuppositions, are you operating under?

Anand is asking us to see that despite their (Russia’s?) best efforts to divide us, we remain united. Why there’s even a new poll that shows that over 80% of Americans agree on our core values, like the right to vote, equal protection under the law, and privacy. I understand why Anand feels it necessary to push back against this notion that American’s have never been more polorized. Although, Civil War America may have us beat there. Anyhow, I’m going one further than Anand by insisting that the American and the Russian people are united by their struggle against propaganda intended to divide us.

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As others have noted, these people do everything “unwittingly” 😉

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"There is no foreign propaganda operation that I know of, at least, that has highlighted the work of the churches engaging in dialogue processes in recent years to bridge racial divisions, or highlighted workplaces that have changed to make women feel more heard, or highlighted white Americans who have delved into racial topics and evolved as a result, or highlighted families that have navigated division but grown even closer."

Too true. And there aren't a lot of MSM stories about these things, either.

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Thank you for this thoughtful piece and the reminder to look beyond media that massages our worst impulses. My husband is reading Rachel Maddow's "Prequel," which delves into Nazi propaganda operations in the run-up to WWII. Imagine what would have happened if they'd amplified the message through social media.

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I'm listening to that as an audio book. Scary much, even without social media. Just think what the "Silver Shirts" and their like could have done with Xitter.

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Truth is such a refreshing breath of fresh air.

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The Cold War continues……

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It’s wrong for foreign states to meddle in other nations’ elections. Here in the United States we’ve been taught that democracy is the best of all forms of goverment and that free and fair elections-one person one vote-is democracy. We believe so strongly in the superiority of our democratic form of rule that we’ve sent our troops into countries to “defend” their right to democratic rule. In fact, we’re so confident of our superior way of governing, we believe it’s our duty to “contain”, meaning impoverish the people through sanctions, any state we deem anti-democratic.

The trouble is, when you say they’re anti-democratic, the very thing you’re so proud of, well, now you’ve made an enemy. This is exactly the cold war. And you don’t have to be a historian to know that throughout the period of the cold war the United States worked tirelessly to undermine the sovereignty of its enemies, including meddling in elections.

Of course, on the one hand, pointing out our hypocrisy in this case is in no way a defense of such behavior. As I said, it’s wrong for one state to meddle in another state’s elections. On the other hand, it’s worth pointing out that our country is guilty of the same and worse, if for no other reason than to check our moral smugness.

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Well written response.

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