Thanks for this. I don't know where we'd be without Pramila Jayapal. She has led the caucus so ably, and I hope she will reconsider her choice to leave that post. She speaks very cogently here about how to keep moving our progressive agenda ahead. Question: Has she spoken to Biden about the need to embrace the progressive agenda, or SOME agenda, as his platform for his next term? He hasn't said word one about his next term, while Trump is talking about making restaurant worker tips tax-free. As they once were.

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I spent a month in Jerusalem in 1992 in preparation for my ordination as a priest in the Anglican/Episcopalian Church in the Diocese of Los Angeles. I lived in residence at St. Georges College in the West Bank and travelled the area following the footsteps of Jesus. Our class had a most memorable trip into Egypt to visit St. Catherine's Monastery and climb Mt. Sinai. I observed first hand the restrictive treatment of the Palestinian Christians in that area, even then. This was a time, when there were still Christians living in Bethlehem, and long before the Settlements began to push Palestinians out of the West Bank, a time when the Two State Solution was honestly being negotiated as a viable choice. As I live in hope, I pray continually for a peaceful end to the horrors of the current war and a Two State Solution for Jews and Palestinians.

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