Time was, a mature person was glad to be shown his error, especially if done in a gentle, friendly manner. The person corrected "saw the light" and resolved to amend his attitude, language and actions. Brava to Machaela! And courage to those who need to get smarter.
Fabulous interview. If only 100 more Machaela’s in congress: kind, smart, wise, gutsy, a lionhearted fearless woman.
Such a great interview. Thank you.
Wanted to put this rambling yet nugget-filled read before your eyes.
Pres. Biden’s farewell: 'Beware technocracy over democracy.'🧬 warning of ethical pitfalls. 🚨 Resilience icons like Rosalind Franklin, Rosa Parks, & RBG remind us: diversity & spirit > genetic 'perfection.' 🌍Humanism must lead science. 🎙️
Time was, a mature person was glad to be shown his error, especially if done in a gentle, friendly manner. The person corrected "saw the light" and resolved to amend his attitude, language and actions. Brava to Machaela! And courage to those who need to get smarter.
We need more "Bullies for Good" in this country! Thank you, Machaela and Anand.
If this is not an issue, Apartheid is back in fashion. Does inclusivity really harm anyone?