Thank you for doing this today, Anand! It's so important that the word gets out!

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As always Anand, thank you for your words, but more importantly, thank you for call to action. This election goes so far beyond "politics;" it really is about our way of life, our country and our individual rights and freedom. This is a message that I wish more corporate executives would understand and then be more vocal like the good folks from Patagonia. Their message is not partisan, as its about voting for the planet. But it makes very clear what's at stake. And what will be lost. As a gay married man, I am in fear of what could happen to not only my rights, but our personal safety. Yet, we've seen so many companies stay silent when they were once vocal allies. And we've witnessed many retreating from their once stronger allyship, giving in to a MAGA influencer. So yes, we all have a job to do -- call it by it's name, but also get more people to do the same, and work like hell over the next 20 days.

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Thank you, Anand.

The wannabe fascist strong man ruler's adoring followers have imbibed the cool aid, believing that he hates the same people they hate, that he will take vengeance against the people they hate, and that he will protect his adoring followers. They fail to see that he despises them, too, that he is simply using them to gain power for himself, and that he will throw them all under the bus as soon as he no longer needs them.

Moreover, Trump has failed to see that he himself will be thrown under the bus by his smarter, more devious behind-the-scenes supporters if and when his administration has taken control of the government and he is no longer needed as a bumbling front man to woo his adoring followers.

There was a time when I took courage from believing that we, collectively, get the government that we, collectively, deserve. Having observed Trump's followers in action, however, my ability to take courage or hope from such thinking has been shaken to the core.

Vladimir Putin must be overjoyed to see us busy proving for him that we are not capable of ruling ourselves and that democracy really doesn't work. Trump has been his useful fool, indeed. As Timothy Snyder has pointed out, Putin can do little or nothing to make Russia stronger, but if he can make America -- and the concept of democracy -- weaker, he comes out way ahead of the game.

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It also brings up the issue of why voters in Red states keep voting for Republicans even though their states, for the most part, fall to the bottom of the list on factors concerning issues such as state economies, education, health-care, education and deaths by fire arms. For the most part, Red states also receive more Federal aid than what they contribute. Go figure.

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Thank you Mr Giriharadas for your prescient observations. Hitler and the Nazis were elected in the Weimar Republic in Germany in the 30’s. I pray the US doesn’t make the same mistake. Trump is PT Barnum with swastikas. Heaven heip us overcome this societal lunacy.

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Thank you for today's critical appeal for appropriate, righteous, and forceful use of the term "fascist" - the F word that matters most now. And, in the interest of this critical free-speech project, here's a little song that I wrote for this election that features the words "fascist state" in it - enjoy and sing along, if you like! It was recorded live with the help of kind, caring, and musical Canadians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wd4yHR6l6qk

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Thank you, Anand. Trump is our poster boy for American Fascism. Tragically, our media has spent the last 9 years normalizing, what is by any historical measure, the very face of evil polity. Not the first time in human history, nor the last. Evil is cultural, not individual. Trump is the figure head and spokesperson for many hidden (and some not so hidden) hands in the 21st century. Our republic was founded upon enslaving Africans and indigenous genocide and to this day, has never sought, or felt the need, for redemption. I am shocked and terrified it has come to this, but not surprised. The writing has been on the wall since Resconstruction was turned back and destroyed; that was our nation's one opportunity for amends, repair and redemption. Would it be that Reconstruction would also made similar strides for our First Nation sisters and brothers.

That said, I've not given up hope that ultimately justice will prevail. But cultural evil is a mighty foe. Anti-fascism must be fueled by love: love of self and community. Mr. Rogers said in times of great peril---look for the helpers. To the best of my ability, that's where I plan to be.

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Republicans have espoused fascist ideology for quite sometime, Eugene McCarthy to Nixon to Reagan to the orange menace. It pains me that 46% of Americans believe that works just fine. When I served, I pledged my oath to the US Constitution not any person, religion, or ideology. Vote HARRIS/WALZ = democracy! Any other choice, like it or not, supports fascism and fascist mofos.

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Thank you beyond words. May your posts spread far and quickly.

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A fading Reality TV star and his merry band of Confederates, Nazis, Stalinists, and Terrorists, at home and abroad vs. an Alliance for Democracy. Long Live Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

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Read the book, It Can’t Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis. It’s not out of date at all. It’s happening NOW! Right here in these United States. Fascism is not something to ignore or just laugh about. Three weeks and we’ll see what happens.

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