The dismantling of our government has been a long time coming. Republicans have railed against many of our institutions for decades and as they become increasingly libertarian as well as embracing a technocratic take over of public services we are being forced to watch the demise of our way of life. This is not to say that reform was and is not necessary, but Musk and his tech entourage are not interested in reform. They want to change the world to accord with their vacant, abysmal, and bankrupt vision. They are using Trump to further their own ends. Of course, Trump has his own dismal agenda of revenge and greed. The country seems to have a strange death wish; millions voted for Trump and are not yet alarmed at what is happening. Once they awaken to the devastation, it might be too late. I hope not. I work daily to stay engaged while staving off despair. Despair is what they want us to feel, resisting it is essential! There are strands of light and hope; this daily brief and the insightful interviews Anand conducts help!!!

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Just a thought about all those cuts, cancellations and planned attacks on government agencies it would profit TrumpMusk&Co. to hinder--especially as many of them seem to benefit the middle and working class people they obviously hold beneath contempt, and those government functions dedicated to telling us the truth about our health, our safety, our progress: We voted to establish, maintain and in some cases expand them. So this administration is tossing aside valuable assets we bought and paid for. Also, is anyone tracking the tens of millions of taxpayer dollars Trump himself, the (er) private person is spending on his golfing jaunts, self-congratulatory parties (in which he also solicits bribes), his new Air Force One, his trip to the campaign event previously known as the Super Bowl? Hmm. Just hmm. I won't even get into their defiance of the law, because this is even more evil, conniving and flat out threatening to every single one of us, potentially.

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Nice piece, especially liked the Dylan reference at the end.

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Anand, your live sessions with Ruth and Anat have been very effective and helpful. Your down-to-earth, probing questions of these brilliant women really brings some complicated issues into better focus for your audience. You bring a deeply humanistic tone to the conversations, and I think we are all a little starved of that right now. Thanks.

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It doesn't matter how many people get hurt--the more the better!--so long as Trump controls the narrative, and that means all the narratives. The Captive Mind is his end game.

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I graduated from Penn State with a BS in Meteorology and later a graduate degree from Texas A&M in Meteorological Oceanography. I spent a career in the government, UN, private sector, and my own consultancy. I was the Southern Regional Director for the National Weather Service (NWS) for 5 years, responsible for 11 southern states, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean. This was followed by 5 years as the Deputy Director of the NWS where I was chief of operations of the entire agency. this was followed by 6 years as the Director of the UN's World Weather Watch, which coordinated all meteorological services across the globe including aviation and marine weather services. I gave many lectures to university students at many of the top schools in the US. Most every student wanted to be a forecaster at an office in their home state. they wanted to make that one forecast and warning that saved lives whether from hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or tsunamis. Money and fame was not on their want list. They were male, female, straight, gay, and all shades of skin color and ethnicity. What has happen to them is un forgivable and cruel, along with creating a big heap of danger to the public.

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I keep thinking that all these people who have been laid off from government positions should set up a shadow government and continue on. Yes, there's a question of money. But necessity is the mother of invention. Look at all the great journalism coming out of Substack, much of it from former msm employees. There has to be a way. The question is, is there the will?

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DOGE = Destruction of Government Effectiveness

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